Thursday, November 6, 2008

Rock Star Dreams

Rock star Dreams

By Shastri, drummer, Can of Bliss

Nietzsche said. “Without music, life would be a mistake.” To this I agree as music is the thing that has kept me sane through most of my life. At my age I can proclaim that I have fulfilled one of my dreams. I am in a rock band, we are called Can of Bliss and we kick ass. All my life I have dreamt of becoming a rock star, a dream no more it became reality on the 26th of October 2008. The feeling cannot be described it can only be experienced.

The evening kicked off with FEEDBACK who true to their name entertained us mostly with feedback. It was our turn after them. You could cut the tension in the air with a knife. The crowd wanted entertainment. The organizers were doing their best to pump up the crowd. The chant. “CAN OF BLISS”, sent shivers down my spine. This was it, our first show, we had a responsibility to rock and rock we did. Ours was an eight man band and we did take up quite a bit of stage space. All of us invoked our respective gods of Rock to look upon us favourably this evening.

We kicked our set list off with La Grange by ZZ Top. The crowd was puzzled at first but soon got into the Classic Rock groove. Dhruv blew the crowd away with his Morrison charm, Plant stage presence and Mick Jagger madness, pulling out all stops, leaving nothing more to yearn for. Our next track Goin’ Down the G3 version went down with the crowd quite well with Norten causing eye-balls to pop with his guitar leads. It was time now to let this crowd be a part of this experience, TNT got these rockers off their feet, nothing like some classic ACDC to push this show into high gear. “Smoke on the Water”, by Deep Purple, a classic. I was to sing this song and the crowd scared the bejabbers out of me, but as the opening riff sounded I knew that this was home to me and I let go full throttle, the crowd went wild and I went a level higher. Next up our signature cover, “My Guitar Wants to Kill Your Mama” the G3 version again. Irshad just blowing the crowd away with energy that would do justice to Frank Zappa himself.

Ricky, the heart, soul and spokesman for Can of Bliss. You will never be just a memory; you are an inseparable part of this band and all our lives. His tribute, composed by all his friends left the crowd dumbfounded. Artet had the crowd eating out his hands with his intoxicating riffs and screaming in- your- face guitar leads. Benji exuding perfection from every pore, bringing John Bonham back to life with his flawless drumming. Ricky, we hope we did u proud, wish you were here.

Fire”, by Jimi Hendrix, the song I hoped I could do justice to, the song I think every drummer finds challenging, the song that feels like a constant drum solo. The true rock crowd smiled knowingly at the opening bars of the song. For me, it was a blur a rush of energy through my veins, as if the Gods of Rock had been appeased and they were a part of the crowd leading us on into this feeling of immortality. Our final number, a homage to the Godfather’s of Heavy Metal, Black Sabbath, NIB. We nailed it, it was absolute. Wasiur blowing the crowd away, handling his bass like a pro.

As we cleared the staged the crowd was chanting our name, screaming for more. We had at last become rock stars, for however small a period of time but we were still rock stars. We had satisfied the creed of all rock bands that is to entertain.

The band has come a long way since it started with Artet, Me and jam room. We have all improved, grown and been nurtured into rock stars. I may sound pompous but I am proud, we all should be with what we achieved. Long Live Rock!!!!!!!!!!!!

Now it’s just going to be a long list of acknowledgements. So many people to thank and I apologise if I have missed anyone out. My undying gratitude to the following people and all who supported the band.

First and foremost- Aditi, Shonali, Leann and the rest of the organizing team who believed in us and gave us this opportunity to live the rock star dream.

The band, my band of brothers

Norten- The Jimmy Paige of the band. I am humbled in the presence you and your axe. We did it at last; we played a full rock show.

Dhruv- the newest member but dude you really rock, keep the spirit alive always.

Irshad- I have seen you change from a shy, meek singer to a mesmerizing showstopper. You did it! Keep it up.

Varun- Calm, composed, dependable and now a rock star. You my friend are the only sane member of this band.

Wasiur- my brother in metal. The true metal head always. I admire the hard work, effort and perseverance u put in for this show man. This is just the beginning.

Benji- You have no idea how much I have learnt from u. the drummer I am today is because of you. I owe this day to you my brother.

Ricky- you will be fondly missed always. You were the pillar and the essence of this band. We are together today because of you. Peace

Artet- I left you for last because you and I have a history together. This whole thing started with you, me and a jam room. You have made my dream come true. From that first performance in that lab, this is where we have come today. Be proud, you are a rock star and you will always be one. I am indebted to you for life for what you have done for me. Purple Sunset forever!!!

Our fans, without you guys and your unending support we would still be playing Hindi songs at college functions. All of you are special I apologise if I miss out anybody.

Nivisha- My number one fan. You have always been there. I still remember that Saturday night during first year when you walked into the jam room and asked Karthic Rajan to play “here without you”, and I was drumming for it. You’ve always been there to support us in this endeavour. Your presence is just invaluable. It meant so much to the whole band that you came down all the way from Bombay to watch us play. Your face shining with happiness standing out from the crowd just meant the word to me. You are amazing!

Vik- Band Manager Extrodnnaire. Sorry for all the noise. Just can’t thank you enough for all the support. All I can say is, “Vik Bottle!!”

Pranati, Mallika, Archana, Devansh, Amit, Naman, Amlan; You guys have always been there and your support is just the most amazing thing this band has had.

To some of those who missed the show

Sangay- You were sorely missed. It didn’t feel complete without u. wish you were there in person but u were always there in our hearts.

Roohani- You have come every single performance of ours, it’s just real sad that you had to miss our best one yet.

Amar- I know rock isn’t your preferred genre of music but with your deep understanding of music I just wished that you were here to witness this event.

Lastly, I would like to thank my parents. They are the people who let me pursue and achieve this dream. They have put up with all the loud music that has gotten worse over the years without a single complaint. It is to you I dedicate this dream that I have fulfilled.

Well that’s a wrap. Signing off this is Sastri, a drummer, a rock star!!!!

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